Russell Advocaten B.V. Address Antonio Vivaldistraat 6, 1083 HP Amsterdam Netherlands Contact Reinier W.L. Russell +31 20 301 55 55
Esmée Bootsman +31 20 301 55 55 Amsterdam, Netherlands Languages spoken Dutch, English Practice Areas Business Law, Business Start-Ups Law, Collections Law, Corporate and Transactional Law, Debtor and Creditor Law, Restructuring Law, Shop Law
Jan Dop +31 20 301 55 55 Amsterdam, Netherlands Languages spoken Dutch, English Practice Areas Administrative Law, Aviation and Aerospace Law, Business Law, Commercial Law, Commercial Real Estate Law, Corporate Law, Employee Benefits Law, Employment Law, Executive Advisor, Labor Law, Labor and Employment Law, Litigation, M&A Law, Professional Liability Law, Restructuring Law, Shop Law, Torts Law
Farhana Mahabali +31 20 301 55 55 Amsterdam, Netherlands Languages spoken Dutch, English Practice Areas Aviation and Aerospace Law, Dismissal Law, Employment Law, Labor Law, Labor and Employment Law, Lay-off Law, Litigation
Lisanne Meijerhof +31 20 301 55 55 Amsterdam, Netherlands Languages spoken Dutch, English Practice Areas Agency and Distributorships Law, Contracts Law, Corporate Law, Corporate Litigation Law, Corporate and Transactional Law, Directors and Officers Liability Law, Finance Law, Franchises and Franchising Law, Internet Law, Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations Law, Professional Liability Law, Shareholder Disputes Law
Jesper Nooij +31 20 301 55 55 Amsterdam, Netherlands Languages spoken Dutch, English Practice Areas Aviation and Aerospace Law, Corporate Law
Paul W.L. Russell +31 20 301 55 55 Amsterdam, Netherlands Languages spoken Dutch, English, French, German Practice Areas Administrative Law, Antitrust and Trade Regulation Law, Appellate Practice Law, Art Law, Aviation and Aerospace Law, Business Law, Commercial Law, Communications and Media Law, Copyright Law, Corporate Law, Entertainment Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Intellectual Property Law, M&A Law, Trademarks Law, Zoning, Planning and Land Use Law
Reinier W.L. Russell +31 20 301 55 55 Amsterdam, Netherlands Languages spoken Dutch, English, German Practice Areas Alternative Dispute Resolution Law, Art Law, Business Law, Business Start-Ups Law, Commercial Law, Commercial Real Estate Law, Computers and Software Law, Contracts Law, Corporate Law, Employment Law, Entertainment Law, Executive Advisor, Information, Communication and Technology Law, International Arbitration Law, International Law, International Trade Law, Labor Law, Labor and Employment Law, Leases and Leasing Law, Litigation, Mediation Law, Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations Law, Professional Liability Law, Real Estate Law