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David G. Bender’s primary practice area is civil litigation where he handles a wide array of cases including complex business and contract disputes, construction litigation, landlord tenant issues, personal injury claims, wrongful death actions, healthcare law, Trust contest, and all related civil matters.

David represents small and large business owners, real estate developers, homebuilders and individuals.

Court Memberships
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eight District of Missouri
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri

Representative Experience
David has represented clients in all types of civil litigation in the State, Federal and Appellate levels:

Major arbitration awards in construction defect and personal injury claims
Affirmation of positive trial court decisions and reversal of negative decisions in the Court of Appeals
Involvement in working with and assisting joint venturers and partners dissolving and separating
Defended multi-million dollar mechanics lien litigation
Obtains mechanics lien judgments for contractors and subcontractors
Defended and prosecuted Violation of the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act claims
Defended and prosecuted non-solicitation/non-compete disputes
Obtained injunctive relief in trespass and nuisance matters
Been successful in saving individuals homes from foreclosure
Litigated numerous Trust Contest disputes
Amicable resolutions of Divorces and child custody battles
Timely eviction of delinquent tenants (individual and commercial)
Successful defense of healthcare facilities against medical negligence claims
Litigated insurance policy coverage disputes (auto and homeowners)
Defended and prosecuted loan and promissory note default lawsuits
Successfully orchestrated delinquent loan and promissory note redemption
Handled hundreds of minor traffic violation offenses obtaining favorable amended recommendations and results
Significant experience in working with Homeowners and Lenders on short sales and foreclosure prevention
Routinely litigates personal injury actions (automobile accidents; slip and fall; general negligence resulting in liability) obtaining timely and lucrative results for clients
Prosecuted and defended numerous cases involving the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act
Very experienced in the newly expounding field of Bullying Litigation, including claims against individuals, School Districts and Bus Companies.

Professional Affiliations & Memberships
American Bar Association
St. Louis County Bar Association
Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis
Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys
Illinois State Bar Association

Practice Areas

J.D., Saint Louis University School of Law, 2001
B.A., University of Missouri-Columbia (Psychology-Cum Laude), 1999

Bar Admissions
Missouri, 2002
Illinois, 2002