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The Alliance of Merger & Acquisitions Advisors and the International Society of Primerus Law Firms announce the 3rd Global M&A Symposium: The New Economics for the Private Middle Market scheduled May 10-12, 2011 in London. One of the many featured speakers at this event is the National Director of the Minority Business Development Agency, U. S. Department of Commerce, David Hinson. His keynote presentation highlights: "Undiscovered Markets in the U.S. - The Power of the Minority Business Community"

Director Hinson will discuss Mergers & Acquisitions as Growth Strategy for Middle Market Minority Businesses globally. According to Director Hinson, “Today’s competitive environment requires doing away with growing businesses organically – one contract at a time or staying in the safe lane with businesses that require little overhead and slow returns.”

“Business growth in the new global economy requires thinking outside the box, expanding into new high-tech markets such as clean energy, green technology, and healthcare IT. It requires new business models of mergers, acquisitions and strategic partnerships”.

Michael Nall, AM&AA Founder, noted that “International M&A is growing and Middle Market companies are the largest share of that activity. With this substantial increase, participating in this extraordinary event is an essential part of the professional transformation required of all of us to compete on the global stage in the 21st century.

“The AM&AA member community is on the forefront of thought leadership in the Private Middle Market providing educational conferences, a soon to be published Middle Market M & A Handbook, as well as a professional training and certification program. The “Certified M&A Advisor” (CM&AA) is offered in collaboration with Pepperdine University currently pioneering research on the financing behavior of equity and debt sources for middle market, privately-held companies.”

Addressing the issues of The New Economics for the Private Middle Market, the 3rd Global M&A Symposium will cover the following:

Global Issues

* Economic Forecast for 2011-2012

* Trends in Global Financial Markets

* Recession’s Effect on Political Risk Profiles

* Due Diligence in Cross-border Transactions

* Changes in Regulatory Environments

Regional Issues

* Transatlantic (EU/US/Canadian) Transactions

* Middle East Assessment

* Demographic Changes & Regional Differences

National Issues

* Brazil, India, and China

* EU Merger Control

* Technical Issues in US Transactions

Alderman Michael Bear - Lord Mayor of the City of London will open the Symposium. Speakers and panelists are highly informed opinion leaders including: John Normand – J.P. Morgan, Karim Pakravan – DePaul University, Stephen Timewell, Editor Emeritus for The Banker Magazine, Mark Lanyon – Morningstar and Chilton Taylor, Baker Chilton Taylor, Baker Tilly Corporate Finance LLP, Daniel Confino, MergerID, Adeodato Volpi Netto, Open Point Partners Stephen Anstey , BCMS among others.

To learn more about the 3rd Global M&A Symposium, please visit