Pamir Law Group
7F, No. 214, Dunhua North RoadSong Shan District
Taipei, 10546
The Taipei product liability lawyers at Pamir Law Group represent clients injured as a direct result of the use or contact with a defective or dangerous product. Taipei product liability lawyers help consumers hold manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors accountable for negligence in injury claims. Clients will have the confidence of knowing that their case is being handled by an experienced and knowledgeable Taipei product liability attorney.
The Taipei product liability attorneys have experience representing clients in product liability injury claims resulting from:
Product liability law refers to the liability of any or all parties along the chain of manufacture of any product for damage caused by that product. This includes the manufacturer of component parts, an assembling manufacturer, the wholesaler, and the retail store owner. Taipei product liability suits may be brought by the consumer or someone to whom the product was loaned or rented. While products are generally thought of as tangible personal property, product liability law has stretched that definition to include intangibles (gas), naturals (pets), real estate (house), and writings (navigational charts).
Taipei product liability claims can be based on negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty of fitness depending on the jurisdiction within which the claim is based. In a strict theory of liability, the degree of care exercised by the manufacturer is irrelevant. If the Taipei product liability lawyer can prove that the product is defective, the at-fault party will be held liable for the harm resulting from the defect.
The Taipei product liability lawyers at Pamir Law Group are distinguished by a history of successful product liability claim recoveries and resolutions. For experienced representation in a product liability injury case, contact the Taipei product liability lawyers at Pamir Law Group in Taiwan.