Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP Address 61 Broadway, Suite 2000 New York, NY 10006 United States Contact Frederick C. Johs / Thomas J. Dargan fcjohs@lewisjohs.com tjdargan@lewisjohs.com 212.233.7195
Mark R. Aledort 212.233.7195 mraledort@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Construction Accident Law, Construction Law, Premises Liability Law
Deborah A. Aviles 212.233.7195 daaviles@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Medical Malpractice Defense Law, Professional Liability Law
Amy E. Bedell 212.233.7195 aebedell@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Appellate Practice Law, Commercial Litigation Law
Karen M. Berberich 212.233.7195 kmberberich@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Appellate Practice Law, Insurance Bad Faith Law, Insurance Law
Claudia L. Boyd 212.233.7195 clboyd@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Motor Vehicle Accident Law, Premises Liability Law, Product Liability Law, Transportation Law, Trucking Law
Anne M. Bracken 212.233.7195 ambracken@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Medical Malpractice Defense Law
Sean M. Brodersen 212.233.7195 smbrodersen@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Automobile Negligence Law, Health Care Law, Insurance Defense Law, Nursing Home Litigation Law, Personal Injury Defense Law, Subrogation Law
Brian Brown 212.233.7195 bbrown@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Auto Accident Law, Construction Accident Law, Construction Law
Timothy D. Cameron 212.233.7195 tdcameron@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Construction Law, General Liability Law, Labor Law, Medical Malpractice Defense Law, Premises Liability Defense Law, Professional Liability Defense Law, Transportation Law
Christine M. Cawley 212.233.7195 cmcawley@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Medical Malpractice Defense Law, Nursing Home Liability Law, Professional Liability Defense Law
Joseph M. Charchalis 212.233.7195 jmcharchalis@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Transportation Law
Thomas J. Cicillini 212.233.7195 tjcicillini@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Municipal Law, Premises Liability Defense Law
Michael Clancy 212.233.7195 mclancy@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Casualty Insurance Defense Law, Construction Law, Employment Law, General Liability Law, Intentional Torts Law, Labor Law, Labor and Employment Law, Municipal Liability Law, Premises Liability Defense Law, Vehicular Homicide Law
James P. Connors 212.233.7195 jpconnors@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Construction Accident Law, Legal Malpractice Defense Law, Medical Malpractice Defense Law, Nursing Home Liability Law, Premises Liability Defense Law, Products Liability Defense Law, Professional Liability Defense Law, Religious Institutions Liability Law, Transportation Law
Hon. John M. Czygier, Jr. 212.233.7195 jczygier@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Estate Litigation Law, Trust Litigation Law
Thomas J. Dargan 212.233.7195 tjdargan@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Commercial Law, Complex Commercial Litigation Law, Contracts Law, Defense Litigation Law, Dram Shop Liability Law, Employment Law, Labor Law, Labor and Employment Law, Negligence Law, Personal Injury Defense Law, Premises Liability Law, Product Liability Law, Transportation Law, Truck Accident Law
Michael J. Del Piano 212.233.7195 mjdelpiano@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Appellate Practice Law, Commercial Litigation Law, Corporate Litigation Law, Employment Law, Labor Law, Labor and Employment Law, Litigation
Rebecca K. Devlin 212.233.7195 rkdevlin@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Elder Law, General Liability Defense Law, Municipal Law, Personal Injury Defense Law, Premises Liability Defense Law, Products Liability Defense Law, Transportation Law, Trucking Liability Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Wills Law
Amanda C. Dickens 212.233.7195 acdickens@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Insurance Coverage Defense Law, Insurance Coverage Law
Robert W. Doyle, Jr. 212.233.7195 rwdoyle@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Alcoholic Beverage Law, Auto Accident Law, Contracts Law, Truck Accident Law, Trucking Law, Wrongful Death Law
Aimee D. Drexler 212.233.7195 addrexler@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Employment Law, Labor Law, Labor and Employment Law, Premises Liability Defense Law
Lawrence J. Freeze 212.233.7195 ljfreeze@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Construction Accident Law, Construction Law, Personal Injury Defense Law, Premises Liability Law, Product Liability Law
Scott O. Frycek 212.233.7195 sofrycek@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Medical Malpractice Defense Law, Professional Liability Defense Law
Katherine A. Giovacco, Of Counsel 212.233.7195 kagiovacco@lewisjohs.com New York, NY Languages spoken English Practice Areas Auto Accident Law, Litigation, Medical Malpractice Defense Law, Nursing Home Liability Law, Premises Liability Defense Law, Products Liability Defense Law, Professional Liability Defense Law, Trial Practice Law