Collins & Lacy, P.C.
1330 Lady Street, Sixth Floor
Columbia, SC 29201
United States
Joel Collins, Jr. / Christian Stegmaier
Collins & Lacy, P.C. was founded in 1984 when Joel W. Collins, Jr. and Stanford E. Lacy combined their practices to establish a firm that would concentrate primarily on defense litigation. Since then, the firm has grown to include attorneys with experience in several different practice areas, including commercial transportation, construction, employment law, insurance coverage, products liability, professional liability, retail/hospitality/entertainment law and workers’ compensation.
Collins & Lacy is one of South Carolina’s most respected law firms concentrating in defense litigation, serving a diverse range of individual and commercial clients with needs that are local, regional and national in scope. Collins & Lacy attorneys practice before state and federal courts as well as regional and national commissions. They are also frequent participants in state and federal appellate proceedings and have been involved in many precedent-setting court decisions.
Collins & Lacy understands that determining the response to litigation is complex and challenging. The firm provides the highest caliber legal counsel and aggressive, efficient and innovative case management, with consideration to cost-benefit metrics that apply to all business decisions. When appropriate, Collins & Lacy attorneys advise clients to avoid trial by using alternative dispute resolution measures and/or settling cases. But if litigation is warranted, their attorneys prepare a thorough and vigorous defense.