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December 7, 2012 -- Teague Campbell Dennis & Gorham, LLP is pleased to announce that J. Matthew Little has been invited to join the prestigious Claims and Litigation Management Alliance. The CLM is a nonpartisan alliance comprised of thousands of insurance companies, corporations, Corporate Counsel, Litigation and Risk Managers, claims professionals and attorneys. Through education and collaboration the organization's goals are to create a common interest in the representation by firms of companies, and to promote and further the highest standards of litigation management in pursuit of client defense. Selected attorneys and law firms are extended membership by invitation only based on nominations from CLM Fellows.

Matt attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a National Merit Scholar, received his Bachelor of Arts degree in English, and earned a Juris Doctor degree from Wake Forest University School of Law. While in law school, he was a member of the Student Trial Bar and was also a founder and the first coordinator of the Trial Bar Community Outreach Program.

Matt's civil practice is primarily focused on professional liability, including medical malpractice, complex products liability, trucking cases, and fire loss claims. Matt also maintains an active workers' compensation practice.

Matt is a member of the North Carolina Association of Defense Attorneys, Defense Research Institute, North Carolina State Bar, North Carolina Bar Association, and Wake County Bar Association. He is licensed to practice in all three Federal District Courts in North Carolina, as well as the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. Matt is also on the Board of Directors for the Partnership Elementary Foundation.

Matt has tried a substantial number and variety of cases in the Civil Superior and District Courts of North Carolina and before the North Carolina Industrial Commission. He has also appeared in cases pending before various licensing boards, including the Physicians, Social Workers, Nursing, Dental, and General Contractor's Boards, has handled cases in all of the United States District Courts in North Carolina, and has also defended a large number of complex federal multi-district cases pending in other Federal Circuits. In addition, Matt has an active appellate practice, having appeared in a substantial number of cases heard by the North Carolina Court of Appeals and North Carolina Supreme Court, as well as in the United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. Matt was selected by his peers to appear in the 2012 and 2013 editions of Best Lawyers in America.

For more information about Teague Campbell Dennis & Gorham, L.L.P., please visit or the International Society of Primerus Law Firms.