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From the President's Desk

Holiday season offers time to reach out and to reflect 

For a weekly publication, four issues add up to a month, simple math that constitutes an eternity in today’s publishing world that is driven by a 24/7 news cycle.

With this column, we begin the process of turning the page on a year that has been marked by change and growth, two words that have embodied Primerus since its founding in 1992. The year-end also offers us a time to reflect and to give thanks to those who have made a positive impact in their respective legal communities, highlighting their efforts to better society through acts of kindness and generosity big and small.

Evidence of that commitment was on full display December 5 during our annual Global Day of Service, which has become a worldwide opportunity for Primerus members to be among the foremost practitioners of the art of giving, whether through their volunteer activities with various charitable organizations or by virtue of their pro bono work. Or, in many cases, both. 

Those “above and beyond the call of duty” efforts regularly serve as the focus of feature stories in our Weekly newsletter and Paradigm magazine. The timeliness of the charitable message seems particularly fitting this week as we embark on a holiday season that traditionally puts much of the world in a mood to display a big heart without regard to political, cultural, or religious differences.

President John C. Buchanan

This newsletter, which spotlights the good works of various members each week, is designed to frame the Primerus community in a positive light, while also highlighting the many activities and learning opportunities that add luster to our monthly calendars.

The global reach of our publications is due in large part to the wonders of technology, which has allowed us to transmit information at the touch of a few keystrokes and to instantly communicate with members and clients in all regions of the world. In a sense, the world is now at our digital doorstep, offering the opportunity to promote greater understanding and to bridge existing divides.

At times, it has been popular – almost fashionable – to take potshots at the legal profession, to wax poetic about what ails a system that depends on the honesty and integrity of its members. A few bad legal apples can trigger such unwanted attention, allowing critics who like to paint with a wide brush the opportunity to create a masterpiece of misinformation.

We launched Primerus to help dispel such myths and to write a new narrative based on our Six-Pillar message underscoring the importance of Integrity, Competency, Value, Continuing Education, Civility, and Community Service. Together, those concepts became the backbone of Primerus, thereby helping advance the legal profession in the eyes of the public. 

From the outset, our vision has been focused on helping clients find top-notch legal help at an affordable cost, while also developing an ever-expanding network of law firms committed to excellence and to restoring dignity to a longstanding profession.

As we reflect on the events and developments of the past year, it’s clear that our work continues to bear fruit, creating a growing sense of optimism about our ongoing efforts to become the largest and most respected collection of legal talent in the world.

Best regards,
Jack Buchanan, President