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Mandelbaum Salsburg P.C.
Roseland, New Jersey

As a full service Firm, we have the experience and skills to represent property owners, both commercial and residential, in appealing their property taxes throughout the State of New Jersey. For the past eighty-eight years, our Firm has grown and expanded its practice areas to respond to the increasingly complex business needs of our clients. In keeping with our tradition of growth and tailored service, we have further expanded the depth of our Local Property Tax Department to better serve the property tax needs of our clients.  Our review and analysis is free of charge. In addition, because property tax appeals are performed on a contingent basis, our compensation would be based upon the tax savings we obtain for you.

Tax Appeal Information for Home Owners

The Federal Government recently enacted the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which contains the most significant changes in our Country’s tax laws in thirty years. The effects of the new legislation on deductions for income and property taxes will be felt across the United States. Financial Analysts are predicting that property owners in New Jersey, New York and California will feel the impact the most by way of higher annual taxes. Many believe this change will negatively impact residential property values in New Jersey’s more affluent towns. As a result, we anticipate that homes worth more than $500,000 will become disproportionately taxed from one year to the next as property values begin to drop.

Fortunately, the State of New Jersey provides taxpayers with an effective mechanism to appeal their property tax assessment and, thereby, reduce their property tax burden. The potential tax savings from a property tax appeal can be significant and can help property owners maximize their profitability in this difficult real estate market.

Tax Appeal Information for Commercial Property Owners

Since 2008, the real estate market has been in a downward slide. The decline in property value has corresponded with an increase in costs for all of us. Commercial property owners are dealing with the challenging task of balancing increasing operating expenses with declining revenues. One of the largest operating expenses that commercial property owners must deal with is the year-over-year increase in real estate taxes. As a result of rising tax rates and outdated property tax assessments, many property owners are paying a disproportionate amount of taxes.

The State of New Jersey provides taxpayers with an effective mechanism to appeal their property tax assessment and, thereby, reduce their property tax burden. The potential tax savings from a property tax appeal can be significant and can help property owners maximize their profitability in this difficult real estate market.

If your property’s assessed value is below $1 million, the appeal must be filed with the County Tax Board where the property is located. An assessment that is $1 million or more may be filed directly with the Tax Court of New Jersey or the County Tax Board.

In either case, the deadline to file an appeal is April 1st.