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Primerus practice groups offer a great way to get involved for everyone at a firm – no matter the attorney’s age or status at the firm. Below is an overview of what the practice groups are and how you can benefit from participating.

What are they?

Practice groups are groupings of members based on common practice areas. Primerus created the practice group with the goal of providing opportunities for members to network with each other. The hope is that the practice groups will provide a forum to share practice tips and referrals with other members that have similar practices.  Additional goals of the practice group include:

  1. Providing members opportunities to be a resource for members outside of the practice group
  2. Offering members the opportunity to market collectively as a group through webinars, newsletters, compendiums, trade shows, etc.
  3. Acting in the way a practice group would within a large firm, members are encouraged to share ideas, leveraging the size of Primerus

What are the benefits?

Practice groups provide a cost-effective way to market the expertise of individual attorneys to niche client audiences through client events and webinars. Practice groups also often host networking calls for members to get to know one-another in a more casual setting.

Practice groups also provide an opportunity to build important relationships! As mentioned above, they host networking calls that enable members to get to know and build relationships with other practice group members. Additionally, practice groups often schedule webinars or in-person events where members can build relationships with clients.

Another benefit is that they provide potential opportunities for cross-referrals of industry-specific clients and stand-alone practice area seminars for clients.

How to join

Joining the practice groups is easy. Members simply need to contact their coordinator and ask to be included. Practice groups are opt-in so if a member practices in a specific area, they are not automatically added to the group. Contact a coordinator to determine if you or others from your firm are signed up.