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covered by an arbitration agreement.
In practice, this provision has recently
been applied in the New South Wales
(NSW) jurisdiction in Australia by the
NSW Court of Appeal.
The Court,
when faced with a dispute relating to
the production and direction of the film
Mad Max: Fury Road,
held that the
proceedings before the court were to be
stayed in their entirety under Section 7(2)
of the IAA in order to allow arbitration
to take place in California.
decision was reached notwithstanding the
ambiguous nature of the arbitration clause
in question.
A similar conclusion was reached in
the Western Australian (WA) jurisdiction
in the matter of Siam Steel International
PLC v Compass Group (Australia) Pty Ltd
In that matter, the WA Supreme Court
held that the arbitration agreement before
the Court was not "inoperative" within
the meaning of Section 7(5) of the IAA
and hence Section 7(2) of the Act applied
and the proceedings were stayed for
arbitration to occur.
At the national level,
proceedings before the Federal Court were
stayed pending arbitration under Section
7(2) in the matter of Casaceli v Natuzzi
with the Court's decision turning
on an affirmative conclusion as to whether
the matter was capable of settlement by
Takeaway for Commercial Parties
In order for an arbitration agreement to be
recognized in Australia, as in any other
New York Convention jurisdiction,
must ensure that the disputes covered
by the arbitration clause are capable of
resolution by arbitration. This may exclude
disputes "required to be determined
exclusively by the exercise of judicial
The arbitration clause must then
be carefully drafted to ensure that it is not
considered by an Australian Court to be
null and void, inoperative or incapable of
being performed. Where these conditions
are met, commercial parties applying to the
Australian Courts to have a matter before
the courts stayed pending arbitration are
likely to be successful.
Enforcement of Arbitral Awards
Arguably the most significant decision
relating to the enforcement of foreign
arbitral awards in Australia was TCL
Air Conditioner (Zhongshan) Co Ltd v
Judges of the Federal Court of Australia
In the case, the High Court of Australia
concluded that the inability to challenge
arbitral awards on the basis of an error
of law is consistent with the consensual
and private nature of arbitration, and thus
constitutional invalidity cannot be raised as
a bar to enforcement.
The decision built
on pro-arbitration jurisprudence in the
Federal Court prior to the TCL decision,
including the enforcement of an arbitral
award notwithstanding that the arbitral
proceedings were conducted without the
respondent in attendance.
It has also
undoubtedly laid the foundations for
later decisions, including the granting of
leave by the Federal Court to a creditor to
commence proceedings for enforcement of
a $200 million USD Singaporean award in
Australia under the IAA.
Similarly, parties seeking to
unreasonably challenge arbitral awards in
order to prevent their enforcement have
faced strong opposition. In Sino Dragon
Trading Ltd v Noble Resources International
Pte Ltd (No 2)
the Federal Court ordered
the unsuccessful applicant was to pay
two-thirds of the respondent's costs on an
indemnity basis due to the lack of merit
and lack of reasonable prospects of success
of the applicant's claims.
Takeaway for Commercial Parties
Parties seeking to challenge the validity
of arbitral awards must also ensure that
challenges to arbitral awards are not
founded on substantive grounds of appeal
as, in the absence of reasonable prospects
of success, unmeritorious claims of
invalidity may be the subject of harsh costs
orders against applicants.
Australian jurisprudence in recent years
has been increasingly welcoming in
relation to the recognition of international
arbitration agreements and international
enforcement of arbitral awards.
International commercial parties still
should ensure that they act prudently in
preparing competently drafted arbitration
agreements and in selecting experienced
arbitrators so as to ensure they receive
the best possible outcome in arbitrated
disputes involving Australia.
1 Warren Pengilley, `Alternative Dispute Resolution: The
Philosophy and the Need' (1990) 1 Australian Dispute
Resolution Journal 81, 88.
2 Ibid 90.
3 International Chamber of Commerce, `2017 ICC Dispute
Resolution Statistics' (2018) 2 ICC Dispute Resolution
Bulletin 51, 52.
4 International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth).
5 United Nations Commission on International Trade Law:
Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, 40
UN GAOR Supp No 17, UN Doc A/40/17 (1985), annex
I, 81, 24 ILM 1302 (1985); Convention on the Recognition
and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, opened for
signature on 10 June 1958, 330 UNTS 3 (entered into
force 7 June 1959) (`New York Convention').
6 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of
Foreign Arbitral Awards, opened for signature on 10 June
1958, 330 UNTS 3 (entered into force 7 June 1959) (`New
York Convention').
7 Ibid, art 2.
8 Ibid.
9 Hon Michael Kirby, `International Commercial
Arbitration and Domestic Legal Culture' (Paper Presented
at Australian Centre for International Commercial
Arbitration Conference, Melbourne, 4 December 2009) 2.
10 Ibid 9, 24.
11 Ibid.
12 International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth) s 7(2).
13 Warner Bros Feature Productions Pty Ltd v Kennedy Miller
Mitchell Films Pty Ltd [2018] NSWCA 81 (24 April 2018).
14 Ibid [2].
15 Ibid [88]; International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth).
16 Warner Bros Feature Productions Pty Ltd v Kennedy Miller
Mitchell Films Pty Ltd [2018] NSWCA 81 (24 April 2018)
17 [2014] WASC 415 (7 November 2014).
18 Ibid [43]-[47]; International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth) s
19 [2012] FCA 691 (29 June 2012).
20 Ibid [34].
21 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
Arbitral Awards, opened for signature on 10 June 1958,
330 UNTS 3 (entered into force 7 June 1959) (`New York
22 Research Laboratories Inc v O'Brien (1990) 169 CLR 332,
23 (2013) 251 CLR 533.
24 TCL Air Conditioner (Zhongshan) Co Ltd v Judges of the
Federal Court of Australia (2013) 251 CLR 533 (`TCL').
25 Ibid.
26 Uganda Telecom Ltd v Hi-Tech Telecom Pty Ltd [2011]
FCA 131 (22 February 2011).
27 Sanum Investments Limited v ST Group Co Ltd [2017] FCA
75 (8 February 2017).
28 [2016] FCA 1169 (29 September 2016).