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T H E P R I M E R U S P A R A D I G M | C e l e b r a t i n g 2 5 y e a r s w i t h t h e w o r l d ' s f i n e s t l a w f i r m s
"Not only do our Denim Days help
non-profit organizations in the communities
the firm serves, but they help build team
camaraderie. We make it fun," said
Donna DeVita, director of marketing and
communications at the firm.
DeVita asks management, the lawyers
and support staff to wear certain colors
and New York City, employees
leave suits and skirts at home
and replace them with jeans
and casual attire ­ all for a
good cause.
In return for dressing down, the LJAA
team is asked to make a donation to that
month's recipient charity. They call this
their monthly "Denim Day."
"Giving back is so important and I
am proud to be part of a team that goes
the extra mile for those who can use a
helping hand," said Managing Partner
Robert J. Avallone.
Although this initiative started to
help the community, it has created
a strong culture of corporate social
responsibility within the firm.
and silly hats, as well as hold balloons
and other props for photos which she
then posts on social media. She links the
photos to the social media pages of the
recipient charities.
"The unique photos shared on social
media help to raise awareness and bring
Primerus Community Service
Clients visiting the law firm of Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP (LJAA) on the last Friday of
every month may be surprised by what they see. At the firm's offices in both Islandia, New York,
Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles
Dresses Down to Do Good