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Written By:  Arthur F. Licata, Esq.

Arthur F. Licata, P.C.

Boston, Massachusetts

The most important thing to remember in a personal injury lawsuit is that the basics are essential:

1. investigate the facts

2. document the injuries

3. interview the witnesses

4. consult with healthcare providers

5. demonstrative evidence is vital: photos, video, x-ray slides and cds,

charts, diagrams, federal and state archives for engineering drawings, etc.

In litigation, it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words.

It is very helpful for the injured person and his or her spouse to keep diaries that document the facts of the accident. They can recall them when their memories are fresh. Clients also need to write a short day-to-day narrative of their physical and emotional injuries, rehab and pain and suffering.

Most people do not understand the trauma of a personal injury upon a person’s physical, economic, emotional and social well-being until they have such an accident.

part of an attorneys work is to speak on behalf of the clients and explain their damages. He or she cannot these tasks without the cooperation of the clients to write these fact rich and detailed narratives.